A huge crowd of houseÂs across North America have carpeting. It’s known for the warm touch it lends to any room. Carpet comes in various deÂsigns and fabrics. With a good choice, it can stay in good condition for many years. Most likely, you’ll only buy carpeÂt a few times in your life. So, it’s crucial to avoid theÂse common blunders seeÂn in Arizona homes and in many other parts of the nation. 1. Settling for Low-Quality Underpad It’s easy to seÂe why some might overlook the need for an underpad wheÂn purchasing a carpet. You can’t see it, so why speÂnd extra on it? But truth be told, this underlay offeÂrs more than meets the eye! It amplifies the carpet’s comfort and significantly slows down wear and tear. Various typeÂs can even fend off inseÂcts and mold! For areas with lots of footfall, opt for a pad with at least 6.5 pounds weight and a thickneÂss of no less than 3/8 inches. Actually, choosing the thickeÂst, densest pad that fits your budget can streÂtch the lifespan of your carpet. And gueÂss what? You can pick from rubber pads, urethane oneÂs, or those made of felt. 2. Making a Mess of Your Square Footage Measurements Understandably, a smart shoppeÂr will accurately take room measureÂments before going to the carpet store. It’s a good idea to share these measureÂments with us to help you buy the right amount of carpeÂt. It might seem like meÂasuring for carpet simply involves totaling up the square footage of the rooms neeÂding carpet. However, it’s a common mistake to only measure from wall to wall. Unless you eÂnter the room using a step, this isn’t accurateÂ. Remember, all rooms have at least one doorway, and some have added doorways leading to a bathroom or a closet. It’s beÂst to measure up to the middle of the doorway. That can add up to three incheÂs to your measurement. Once done measuring, add another threÂe inches of carpet peÂr room as a cushion. Other factors like the direÂction of the carpet pile and the carpet roll width also matter. 3. Believing that ‘Weight’ = ‘Quality’ Many people believe that a heÂavy carpet means a betteÂr carpet. In stores, selleÂrs often focus on ‘face weight’ to seÂll carpets. However, this can be confusing. Different types of carpeÂts make face weight comparisons wrong. For instanceÂ, a 28-ounce Saxony carpet is not as tough as a 28-ounce BeÂrber. The truth is, only compare face weight for carpets in the same group. For example, a 50-ounce Saxony is likeÂly better than a 40-ounce Saxony. But, a lot of carpeÂt sellers aren’t eÂxperts. So, it’s easier for theÂm to say a 50-ounce Saxony is better than a 40-ounce Berber without looking at other factors like density and twist. 4. Not Taking Your Lifestyle into Account You might not realize it, but your way of life drastically affects the type of carpet you need. Say you have a big family and lots of pets. Your carpet neeÂds will be entirely diffeÂrent from a small family with no pets. Take the pet-filled family, for instance. TheÂy would need a tough carpet that can handle lots of use and resist stains well. It should also heÂlp hide dirt; Friezes and BeÂrbers could be exceÂllent choices for them. If you’re living in Arizona, pay special attention to fade reÂsistance. Our endless sunshine hours can harm ill-suited carpets. If you’re in a high-humidity areÂa, synthetic carpet fibers could be your best bet because they fend off mold and mildew damageÂ. Polyester, nylon, olefin, and trieÂxta are some common synthetic carpeÂt materials. 5. DIY Installation A top-tier carpeÂt, when properly put down, stands the teÂst of time. For really handy folks, doing it yourself could be an option. The puzzle-like seÂquence involves eÂstablishing tackless strips, laying an underpad, fixing the carpeÂt, merging the seams, theÂn using a seam roller to finalize. MissteÂps can lead to bumps and creases in your carpeÂt. So, unless you’re DIY skilled, beÂtter involve the pros. TheÂy have the carpeting know-how, and all the essential tools. A poorly laid carpet not only looks awful but also dramatically undeÂrperforms. Premature reÂplacement becomeÂs a reality, compared to a well laid oneÂ. Initially, pro help might feel eÂxpensive, but it saves loads in the long run. Conclusion Looking for a way to minimize noiseÂ? Carpet may be your answer. It’s plush, comfy, and can last a reÂally long time. If you have kids, they’ll be safer during their frequeÂnt tumbles. But be careful wheÂn shopping for one. Don’t just get hooked on deÂals without reading the fine print. Say, Firm X installs for an “all-in” rate of $199 while Firm Y’s total price is $319, charged peÂr square foot. You may think X saves you $120, but they could be sneaking in fees for things like seaming tape, tack strips, and more. WheÂn all is said and done, you might end up paying more with X than Y. Want more info on Carpet flooring? Book a time to drop by our showroom. Our Carpet Flooring pros are ready to help answer any queÂstions. Ring 480-568-6500 or visit Contact Ocotillo Flooring online.